From Julie, who did Medical today:
Today we
went to Los Esantes Batey where we saw approximately the same number of patients
as yesterday. We dispensed a lot of benadryl, ibuprofen, acetaminaphen, antacids, antibiotics and blood pressure medicines. Additionally, we gave vitamins, toothbrush
and toothpaste to virtually every patient. Today we had more children as patients, and we
also had a DENTIST. However, it was
quite an experience for us to see that the dentist did almost nothing but pull
teeth! Adults and children alike, if
they sat in her white lawn chair, they got one or more teeth pulled! She did give them a shot or two to numb their
mouths first, but then she quickly got into the physical labor of extracting their
teeth. We also put our ministers, Glen
and Mike, to work administering the anti-parasitic medication, and they did an
outstanding job at that. The chapel/
community room where our clinic was set up seemed to be hotter than outside,
but despite that, the day felt successful and rewarding.
Workers in the sugar cane fields |
Riley, Emma and Adina taking blood pressure |
Mike and Glen dispensing medicine |
From Dustin, who did VBS today:
Today in the
vacation bible school we told the children of the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus.
Afterward we gave the kids backpacks. On these backpacks they wrote “Jesus me
ama” which means Jesus loves me. After lunch we shared with the children the
story of How the good friends lowered their paralyzed friend through the roof
to get to Jesus because the crowd was too large for them to enter the house. We
acted both stories out and climbed trees and lowered friends. The children were
given a quiz by the translators afterward and I believe that has helped them to
remember the stories.
(in Espanol...)
Hoy en la Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones les dijimos a los
niños de la historia de Jesús y Zaqueo. Después nos dimos las mochilas los
niños. En estas mochilas, escribieron "Jesús me ama", que significa
Jesús me ama. Después del almuerzo que compartimos con los niños la historia de
cómo los buenos amigos bajaron a su amigo paralítico por el techo para llegar a
Jesús, porque la multitud era demasiado grande para que entren a la casa.
Actuamos ambas historias a cabo y subimos árboles y amigos bajados. Los niños
recibieron un cuestionario por los traductores después y creo que ha ayudado a
recordar las historias.
Teresa doing VBS |
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