Today's blog post is from Dixie Paschal:
Thursday already! This week is going by too quickly. Breakfast is always a great way to begin our day. Today we enjoyed oatmeal, bacon, bread and fresh pineapple. At batey 106 Chuck Rehage started us off with a great devotional about paths. Whether we are American or Dominican, the right path is Jesus.
VBS included the story about Jesus teaching us how to pray. Then we all sang How Great Is Our God translated that would be Cuan Grande Es Dios. This is a moment I will always remember. The 70 something children were familiar with this song and sang loudly enough for the workers outside to hear I have never had chill bumps on my knees until today. Next, I had to hold back the tears as we finished the song. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.
Construction work today consisted of more rock digging , concrete mixing, brick laying, and sunscreen applying. The upper latrine (#1) is getting outer stucco over the block. The lower latrine (#2) is getting block walls. We also began a new latrine today in batey 105. We had a possible setback on the water purification system. The details might be worked out tomorrow. Regardless, we feel that we have made great progress so far. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.
Friendships are getting stronger. The children cheer when they see our bus. They leave their moms to hug us. They rejoice when the teacher releases them from school. Today I put a band-aid on a girl's arm and she dragged me to meet her family. Katie Colson and I painted girls' fingernails. Dustin has taught the kids hand games. We hold babies s if they are our own. As we drove off today Dustin said "Man, it's going to be hard to say goodbye." Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.
Bruce with his Batey 106 friends on Thursday morning |
Dustin teaching the kids hand games |
Corrie, Susan and Adina helping to take dried corn off the cob |
A "street" in Batey 106 |
The Batey kids love "Princesa" Katie and she is wonderful with them |
Chuck and Susan building the walls on Latrine #2 |
Mike and Josh walking to the water purification site |
Steve and Bruce trying to anticipate mason's needs |
Marie Lisa with pink fingernails |
Here are more pictures of the people of Batey 106. Their ramshackle houses and poverty could be depressing; however, the spirit, joy and love they show our team each day is one of the most uplifting things I've ever experienced.
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